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Our manifesto

Thrive to survive

Our mission is social; we are ambitious and want to change the world through procurement.

We need a strong, stable, sustainable business to be able to do that. Sound finance is an important part of a thriving business, and we will be as transparent about our charging models as we are about the positive impact our business is having. Our small business will be successful if we help other small businesses to be successful too and we think that is a great way to make money.

If you work for us, we will treat you as we like to be treated, paying you fairly and promptly and celebrating your role in our collective success.

Ready when you are

Getting excited about public sector procurement is pretty niche. Not everyone sees opportunities like we do, mainly because they can be disguised as hard work! We are actively seeking kindred spirits; public sector procurement teams that want to be pro-active about marketplace engagement and improving their support for SMEs and VCSEs, membership organisations who can see how Go4Growth could benefit their members, and SMEs and VCSEs ready to invest (time not money) in the growth of their business.

We won’t be convincing people to work with us, we are confident that our work will soon speak for itself. We have some visionary public sector teams keen to lead change, some great membership organisations who can see the value to their members and some early adopters from the marketplace to help us get started. If you think you might be a kindred spirit, please give us a call, we’d love to have you join us.

Brave enough to tell the truth

Change is hard. Doing things differently inevitably means confronting conversations and uncomfortable truths about processes and practice. We are utterly committed to telling the truth and using it to drive change. We will find ways to make vulnerability and bravery possible, to use learning to spur us on and share our discoveries to help others along the way.

Here for a marathon not a sprint

The vast majority of the UK’s 6 million small businesses don’t work with the public sector, don’t talk to the public sector, and have never considered them a potential customer. We want to change that but there is a reason it isn’t already happening; it is hard, really, really hard. We are in this for the long haul, and so are our clients. They are backing a tortoise in a world of hares and share our faith that actions now will mean results over time.

Guided by evidence

We are wise enough to use evidence to inform our activity. Our expertise and experience mean we have great instincts and often some clear ideas about what is needed to drive change, but our programme is based on evidence of need rather than expert opinion alone. Our support, guidance, tool, and events are developed in response to demand.

Serious about being playful

The vast majority of the UK’s 6 million small businesses don’t work with the public sector, Playing with ideas, boundaries and challenging what is possible drives our team. Change comes from creative solutions and new ways of thinking. To achieve our ambitions, we need to think outside the box; be creative, think big, try stuff, learn, adapt, and innovate. Making time to play with new ideas is something we take seriously; change won’t happen without it.

Attract with authenticity

We’re nice people. We want to work with other nice people. Creating a welcome that attracts great people is really important to us. We value diversity and finding ways to increase it in our team, our approaches and our learning is part of our core business. We’ll work hard to make sure everyone has a good experience working with us.

Protect what is fiercely important

Our purpose is to support communities. Creating a positive social impact must have protecting nature and the environment at its heart. Businesses and families are both dependent on natural resources. This is important stuff and we will talk as much about environmental impacts as we do social impacts.

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