I need help getting started

Meeting you where you are

Whether you’re a micro business, SME or VCSE, by landing here you’ve already taken your first steps to business growth – so stay a while and find out what Go4Growth can do for you. Our fully funded programme has no contractual obligation, no time commitment and has a number of entry pathways. It is designed by passionate small business owners who recognise the challenges businesses face when working with the public sector. Our programme is tailored to you which means that whatever your size, whatever your business and experience, we’ll meet you where you are now and help you build for the future.

Go4Growth’s Gap Analysis: helping you know what you don’t know

Starting the programme couldn’t be easier, we take you through your account set up, ask you a series of questions about your organisation – our gap analysis - and develop your personalised Go4Growth Action Plan. You’ll gain access to training events, webinars, pre-recorded tutorials and a host of information to support your organisation and help identify areas for development. Importantly, you’re free to utilise our members’ area, access content and training at your own pace. By building your skills and knowledge with us, you’ll become confident of your own credentials and ability to confidently apply for public sector opportunities.

Look how we have helped others

Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust and Ignition Brewery: a client and provider perspective

Managing Director of Ignition Brewery, Nick O'Shea, explains how Go4Growth helped his business secure a bid to supply Lewisham Hospital with hospitality services, and Chris Wagner describes the benefits of working with Go4Growth from his perspective as Director of Procurement for the Trust.

20 June 2023

Calderdale Council: Working with Go4Growth

Deborah Gaunt, Corporate Procurement Officer at Calderdale Council talks about her experience working with Go4Growth and how engaging with small businesses and VCSEs is crucial to the local economy.

06 February 2023

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Events tailored to you


Procurement Act 2023

14 January 2025, 10:00 AM

At this event we'll take a look at a couple specific tools within the Procurement Act 2023 and go into more detail on how they work and how suppliers access them.

We'll focus on Open Frameworks - Under the Act, Frameworks (with more than one supplier) can be run for 8 years, providing it is re-opened at certain points. We'll talk through how it will work and how a Framework with only one supplier may differ. We'll chat through what to expect when they do re-open and how work is awarded under frameworks.

We'll look at Dynamic Markets and how they differ from Dynamic Purchasing Systems and discuss when they are mainly utilised and how they work.

We're delighted to be joined by Anneliese Forthergill of YPO who will help us better understand how these tools will be used and how suppliers, especially smaller organisations, can prepare to take part in bids and tenders under the new regulations


Social Value for Procurement & Commissioners

22 January 2025, 9:30 AM

A journey through social value for procurement, looking at how to table it well in tenders and how to ensure that you get what you ask for and avoid over promises from the market. We'll take a look at how social value can be contract managed and measured using social meaurement as well as financial.

At this workshop we'll also give insights into marketplace feedback on the challenges and opportunities of social value, discussing how we can maximise social impact and harness the talent and capability of the market.

We'll include carbon reduction and sustainability as part of the Social Value discussion

“I need help to get started” in the Community

Get started in the public sector here

We know it can be difficult to start out in a new sector but we’re here to help you every step of the way. You can take advantage of our experience, knowledge and all the resources available in the Go4Growth programme to help make the transition into public sector as easy as possible. Click above to join the Community now.

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