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I’ve won work and want to take the next steps for growth

We’ll help you grow

First of all – well done for securing work! Our experience as small business owners means that we’ve been where you are now and we know how daunting breaking into the public sector can seem: trying to find work, win work and keep it can be exhausting and often demoralising if you haven’t got the tools in place to help. So, our mission is to use our combined decades of expertise to help your organisation succeed in winning business because in doing so, we create a level playing field that allows all businesses to thrive.

Your journey – your way

The Go4Growth programme is completely free, tailored to you and includes no time commitments. You’ll get access to regular training sessions on a wide range of topics, from issues such as understanding the principles and regulations surrounding procurement, to advice on becoming carbon net zero and developing your social value narrative. You’ll also have access to a wealth of content, video ‘how tos’ and templates - all completely free of charge.

Whether you’re a micro business, SME or VCSE, we know you’ll have different skills, experience and requirements and so we fully tailor and personalise our time with you. We won’t leave you until you’re completely confident that you and your teams are ready to continue on your procurement journey. And even then, we’ll still be on hand to offer advice and support anytime you need it, all completely free of charge.

Join the community

Look how we have helped others

Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust and Ignition Brewery: a client and provider perspective

Managing Director of Ignition Brewery, Nick O'Shea, explains how Go4Growth helped his business secure a bid to supply Lewisham Hospital with hospitality services, and Chris Wagner describes the benefits of working with Go4Growth from his perspective as Director of Procurement for the Trust.

20 June 2023

Calderdale Council: Working with Go4Growth

Deborah Gaunt, Corporate Procurement Officer at Calderdale Council talks about her experience working with Go4Growth and how engaging with small businesses and VCSEs is crucial to the local economy.

06 February 2023

Demonstrate your capability to public sector buyers here

Coming soon.

Events tailored to you


Procurement Act 2023 - 6 Weeks Post Go Live

03 April 2025, 9:30 AM

The Procurement Act 2023 is due to go live on 24th February 2025. This event for both buyers and suppliers will look at what we have learned since the Act has been in force.

We'll look if possible at the Competitive Flexible Procedure and how it's being used, how dynamic markets are operating and whether Frameworks are being let under the new constructs as well as how the Central Digital Platform is working and if the new notice regime is helping to create more transparency and accessibility to public sector buyers.

We'll also be asking SMEs to feedback about whether their experience has changed at all.

We're delighted to be joined once again by Annaliese Forthergill from YPO and we'll draw on her expertise and knowledge in this session.


Partnerships & collaborative working for growth

10 April 2025, 10:00 AM

We often get asked about how to approach working with other businesses to secure public sector opportunities. Working with others can help you apply for larger opportunities, and can spread risk and bring together multiple skills and strengths.

We're putting on this event, dedicated to exploring collaborative working.

We'll give an overview of the things you might want to consider leading up to becoming ‘contract ready’ in a partnership and we'll explore what the key areas of focus are for businesses wanting to work together to secure work in the public sector.

We’ll explore what the make or break elements are of preparing to work with others.

Go4Growth is a collaboration between two businesses and so we'll share our experiences of both the positives and the challenges we've encountered along the way.

This highly interactive workshop will also give an opportunity for businesses who want to, to give an intro to their business and exchange details and explore how to form new working relationships. Come along and find out more about collaborative working and hopefully find and make new connections for future work whist you're there!

“I need help to get started” in the Community

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