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Our mission

We use DICE to communicate the Aims and Ambitions of the Go4Growth Programme, everything we do is underpinned by one or more of these elements:

Increasing diversity in the supply chain ensuring that anyone can take part in public procurement opportunities regardless of size or sector. Fulfilling the public sector’s ambitions of being

Achieving positive impact through helping to support stable, sustained growth in local marketplaces supporting bottom line impact for businesses and enabling the public sector to fulfil their civic responsibilities.

Helping providers to have the skills, capability and confidence needed to be able to take part in public sector opportunities and to help procurement build capacity to develop sound procurement processes that promote access for all.

Using Evidence based engagement to drive constant learning through research to shape targeted support for marketplaces and feedback for the public sector.

We want to be a leading voice supporting marketplace development in the public sector, our ultimate ambition is to transform how public sector goods and services are commissioned and procured. We have created a Manifesto to communicate who we are and how we work (Annex 1).

Our mission is social; we are ambitious and want to change the world through procurement. We have lived experience of the difficulties facing some small businesses. We know how it feels to be excluded or for a process to put opportunities out of reach, and we are committed to driving real change that delivers a more inclusive and accessible business playing field.

However, we know that change is hard. Doing things differently inevitably means confronting conversations and uncomfortable truths about processes and practice and Go4Growth is utterly committed to understanding the reality that businesses and the voluntary sector face and being a stakeholder in bringing about a new and better reality.

Not only is change hard, but it also takes time to make lasting change that creates a new present and future. And that’s what Go4Growth is really about. We want to help transform the way public money is commissioned and spent through procurement processes and we recognise that this is a marathon not a sprint. It will also take new thinking; new ideas and it will require us all to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Against the backdrop of a new United Kingdom post Brexit, we have new regulations coming into play in 2023, which gives us a unique opportunity in which to get creative. We recognise we need to think big, try new things, learn, and adapt and making time to explore the unexplored is something we insist on, we know change won’t happen without it.

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