I’ve tried to win work but I’m finding it difficult

We've been there!

We’re procurement leaders, bid writing and sustainability experts, entrepreneurs and, most of all, passionate small business owners who recognise the challenges businesses face when working with the public sector. Our experience means that we’ve been where you are now – we know how daunting breaking into the public sector can seem – trying to find work, win work and keep it can be exhausting and often demoralising if you haven’t got the tools in place to help.

Our services are fully funded by the public sector which means they’re 100% free to use – forever - for your organisation.

Whether you’re a micro business, SME or VCSE, we know you’ll have different skills, experience and requirements and so we fully tailor and personalise our time with you. We won’t leave you until you’re completely confident that you and your teams are ready to enter the procurement process. And even then, we’ll still be on hand to offer advice and support anytime you need it, all completely free of charge.

Have a look around the Go4Growth platform in the video below and when you're ready, register online or get in touch.

Look how we have helped others

Office Odyssey became public sector supplier ready with Go4Growth

Although already in a strong position to supply to the public sector, Office Odyssey experienced challenges in accessing contracts and understanding the procurement process. Go4Growth took them through the procurement process step by step.

31 October 2022

"We’d had a tendency to think it was too complicated and too resource intensive to invest in."

Go4Growth worked with Cistor, a leading digital technology solutions provider, to help them tackle their biggest challenges when seeking work in the public sector.

29 September 2022

Access support for public sector opportunities here:

Events tailored to you


Find businesses to partner with & develop collaborative working

07 November 2024, 10:00 AM

We often get asked about how to find other businesses to work together with to secure public sector opportunities.

We're putting on this event, dedicated to meeting other businesses who are also exploring collaborative working.

We'll give an overview of the things you might want to consider leading up to becoming ‘contract ready’ in a partnership and we'll explore what the key areas of focus are for businesses wanting to work together to secure work in the public sector.

We’ll explore what the make or break elements are of preparing to work with others.

This highly interactive workshop will be an opportunity for businesses to meet, greet, exchange details and explore how to form new working relationships. Come along and introduce yourself and your business and hopefully you can find new contacts and connections for future work.


Responsible Business for Public Sector Suppliers

21 November 2024, 10:00 AM

Being a "Responsible Business", and how you demonstrate it, can be the difference between winning and not winning work in the Public Sector. The drive for more socially and environmentally responsible business practises is on the increase and this is being reflected in public sector competitions.

But being "Responsible" is made up of different elements and providers often tell us that the requests and requirements from public sector can be confusing and complex. Help is required to understand what is being asked for and what providers can consider doing, or how to demonstrate actions already being taken .

This session will give a practical over view of what agenda items such as social value, carbon net zero and sustainability are. We know that lots of smaller providers are already doing lots of really impactful things in line with these agenda so we'll also explore how you can reflect the great work you're already doing in competitions and use those activities to help you secure growth for the future.

Hosted by Go4Growth resident experts in these fields, Sheri-Leigh Miles and Jimmy Brannigan, this workshop is designed to be interactive and take any questions you might have on these important topics.

“I need help to get started” in the Community

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